Thank you for choosing to create your own advertisement for our large screen and live screen for the 2024 BAS National Show.

We are offering a limited opportunity to have your own advertisement broadcast on the main screen at the show and streamed live and available after the event on Youtube. The advert can be up to 60 seconds in length and it is designed to be a doorway into you alpaca herd and/or business.

Everyone associated with the alpaca industry is welcome to place an advert, including:

  • Alpaca breeders/show exhibitors
  • Trekking/experience providers
  • Fibre buyers and processors
  • Alpaca fashion wholesalers and retailers
  • Feed suppliers
  • Alpaca health goods suppliers
  • Transport companies
  • Insurance
  • Any other associated business

An advertisement can be made by a professional publicity company or by you at home, using a great FREE app we have uncovered. The app is called Canva and details about the app and how to use it can be found by clicking here

To download Canva to your mobile or ipad please click below:

Here is a Youtube tutorial on how to use Canva and it shows how to make an advert, step by step using a computer or mobile phone:

The advert needs to be:

  1. Up to 60 seconds in length
  2. 16:9 Ratio
  3. 1920 x 1080 pixels

Once you have created your advert, please send them to Duncan using MailBigFile | Send Large Files up to 2GB FREE (or similar) using the address:

Deadline for adverts is the 15th of March 2024

Thank you very much for your support and thank you for taking this wonderful marketing opportunity.